Pastoral Transition

Timeline of Events

October 13, 2024

The PSC gave its monthly report to the congregation. Read it here.

September 15, 2024

The PSC gave its first report to the congregation. Read it here.

August 25, 2024

Session approved the church and pastor profiles and sent them to the pastor search committee (PSC). View them here. Here is a document on suggested ways to pray for the PSC. 

August 18, 2024

At its stated meeting, the congregation elected the following church members to the pastor search committee: 

Brad Allen, Cyndi Anderson, Kathy Buhl, Lynne Howard, Nathan Kiewiet, Josh Murray, Tim Nargi, Jack Tuttle

August 13, 2024

Session sent out a letter to the congregation about the upcoming congregational meeting to elect the pastor search committee. View it here.

July 28, 2024

Session sent out a letter to the congregation about the start of the pastoral search process. View it here.

July 24, 2024

Session sent out a letter to the congregation updating the congregation on Session progress. View it here.

June 05, 2024

Transitional Pastor Mike Sharrett sent out a letter to the congregation. View it here.

May 06, 2024

The Transition Team has completed its work. View the announcement to the congregation here.

April 16, 2024

The Transition Team sent out a thank you letter to the congregation for their help in participating in the congregational wide survey and Focus Groups. View the letter here. 

April 02, 2024

The Transition Team sent out a congregational wide survey.

March 27, 2024

The Transition Team sent out signups for Focus Groups to discuss the direction of the church.

March 06, 2024

Session has established a Transition Team to do the following: 

  • Assess where the church is today
  • Solicit input from the church in a number of different areas including Lead Pastor
  • Prayerfully consider all input and discuss it as as team
  • Create a church profile and a pastor profile that will inform the Session on how to move forward with a Pastoral Search
The Transition Team is made up of the Transitional Pastor, three elders, a deacon, and three other ministry leaders. Please be on the lookout for communications from the Transition Team, specifically in the form of a survey and discussions in different forums.

February 11, 2024

Pastor Mike Sharrett officially began his duties as the Transitional Pastor.

January 28, 2024

PCA Pastor Mike Sharrett was introduced as the Part-time Transitional Pastor to the congregation at our annual congregational dinner.

January 23, 2024

At its regular meeting of January 23, the Session approved entering into an agreement with 

retired PCA Pastor Mike Sharrett of Lynchburg, VA, calling him to serve Grace Covenant as Part-time Transitional Pastor.

You can view the entire announcement here.

January 13, 2024

Session held a meeting with church leaders (deacons, staff, ministry and small group leaders, and spouses) to introduce, and to engage with, retired PCA Pastor Mike Sharrett of Lynchburg, VA on the prospect of calling him to serve Grace Covenant as a Part-time Transitional Pastor. If called, the Transitional Pastor would assist the Ruling Elders and the Associate Pastor during the interim period in shepherding the congregation and carrying out the ministries of the church; and in guiding the Session and church with all of the many details and processes leading to the call of our next Lead Pastor. He would stay in Williamsburg for 10 days each month, preaching at two worship services and attending two Session meetings monthly. (He would not be a candidate for Lead Pastor himself.)

His website is Members are encouraged to visit his site. The Session expects to make a decision on engaging Rev. Sharrett for this purpose soon, hopefully in time for him to be present at the January 28 congregational meeting. 

December 20, 2023

Session sent out a note to the congregation about the transition process. You can read it here.

November 30, 2023

Associate Pastor Camper Mundy sent out a note about upcoming events to the congregation. You can read it here.

November 19, 2023

Lead Pastor Dennis Griffith preached his final sermon at Grace Covenant. You can listen to it here.

He and Carolyn were offered gifts, a choir offering, and a reception for their faithful service to Grace Covenant and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

November 12, 2023

Session sent out a reminder to the congregation about Lead Pastor Dennis Griffith's final day at Grace Covenant. You can view it here.

November 9, 2023

TE Dennis Griffith was received into his new presbytery.

October 19, 2023

Session communicated to the congregation about next steps regarding the pastoral transition. View the announcement here.

October 5, 2023

Tidewater Presbytery (TWP) voted to release and transfer TE Dennis Griffith from TWP pending his reception at his new presbytery in November.

October 1, 2023

At the stated meeting, and at Dennis' request, the congregation voted to absolve pastoral relations with Lead Pastor Dennis Griffith.

September 20, 2023

At the request of Dennis, Clerk of Session sent out a letter to the congregation announcing a Congregational Meeting for October 1, 2023 for the purpose of dissolving the pastoral relations (BCO 23-1). View the clerk's letter here.

September 20, 2023

Lead Pastor Dennis Griffith announced to the congregation his resignation to accept a call in Northern FL.