Women's Ministries

The purpose of Women's Ministry at Grace Covenant is... 

The purpose of Women's Ministry at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church is to encourage women to

grow in grace and truth by providing: 

  • Intentional openings for deeper personal connection and friendship
  • Bible study including intercessory prayer, and
  • Biblically-based counseling avenues

In combination, these opportunities strengthen mutual encouragement and Spirit-led transformation of women

into the likeness of Jesus Christ. 

Because of Christ, we desire to live out the reality of John 1:14:

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, 

glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Women's Ministry Coordinator: Jamie Field

Email: womenmin@gracecovpca.org


Women's Ministry Growth Opportunities

  • Fall/Spring Bible Studies (daytime)
  • Summer Bible Study (daytime)
  • Various evening Bible Studies
  • Cohorts (groups of 5 ladies studying once per month for 1-3 years)

Women's Ministry Fellowship Opportunities


  • Monthly JULIET luncheons (Just Us Ladies Intent on Eating Together)
  • Coffee Connection Hangouts (Various times and places around town; check Grace Notes for gatherings.)
  • Joy of the Lord Ladies Nights (3-4 per year, fellowship and a featured testimony)
  • Activities for fun (Jamestown Beach, Busch Gardens, DIY, Craft Nights, etc.)

Women's Ministry Service Opportunities 

Loaves & Fishes (Meal Ministry)

  • Please contact Coordinator Mary Lou Linnekin if you would like to be part of this ministry to provide occasional  meals for those in need within our church. 
  • Mary Lou will use https://takethemameal.com to contact you via email to sign up when needed. 

Baby Showers



GCPC Women's Shepherding Team members provide confidential listening and Christ-centered concern to women who are experiencing hurt, loss of hope, or failure to be understood. Although not professionally credentialed, Shepherd Leaders have been prepared through specific training to offer to other women the ministry of presence, conversational care, biblical discipleship, and prayer. Further resources may be recommended if indicated. If you would like to request a Shepherd Leader, please contact Gwen Martin at womenmin@gracecovpca.org.


Kairos Eight25 is an infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss support group that has been meeting monthly since March 2022 for the purpose of providing Christ-centered hope to community women who are experiencing now, or have experienced in the past, the loss and loneliness that is associated with reproductive grief. The group provides the opportunity to walk alongside women on this journey, confidential listening and regular prayer, and a library of resources that may be helpful.

Kairos Eight25 Resources

Kairos Eight25 Overview

Kairos Eight25 Contact Info




 "But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."

~ Romans 8:25 (NKJV)