Small Groups

God designed people to be in relationship with Him. He has given us His Word (the Bible) and prayer as means through which He communicates to us and transforms us. God also designed people to be in relationship with each other. He has given us one another for fellowship and shared mission, so that we might be transformed not only as individuals but also as communities. One of the best ways to be intentional about the relationships we were created for is to join a small group.

Our small groups meet at various times and locations throughout the week during the Fall, Winter, and Spring. These groups are committed to studying the Bible, praying with and caring for one another, and encouraging each other as we seek to ground our lives in the goodness of God's grace and share that grace here in Williamsburg and the surrounding area. To learn more, please contact Rev. Camper Mundy at 757.220.0147 (church office) or

Types of Groups

We offer four main types of small groups– Men's Groups, Women’s Groups, Home Groups, and Focus Groups.

MEN’S GROUPS – These groups are coordinated through our Men’s Ministry. They typically meet for an hour in the morning before the workday begins.

WOMEN’S GROUPS – These groups are coordinated through our Women’s Ministry. They typically meet for an hour-and-a-half to two hours during a weekday morning or evening.

HOME GROUPS – These groups are made up of both men and women (and children too for some groups). They typically meet weekly for a couple of hours in someone’s home in the evening for Bible study.

FOCUS GROUPS – These groups are made up of both men and women (and children too for some groups). They typically meet weekly for a couple of hours in the evening. Their “focus” is Word-based topic studies.

These four types of groups are the “formal” small groups organized by Grace Covenant. However, we also encourage and support “informal” small groups, where men or women gather together for the purposes of spiritual growth, mission, and encouragement through God’s Word and prayer.

Why Various Types of Groups?

We recognize that the needs, circumstances, and availability of people vary throughout our congregation. By offering different types of small groups, we hope that everyone at Grace Covenant will be able to find a group to grow with.

Bottom Line: Our hope is that each person at our church will be intentional about connecting deeply with at least a few others through Word and prayer so that they may grow in love for God, for one another, and for those who don’t yet know Jesus.

List of small groups

Men’s Groups – These groups (ADAPT = A Discipleship And Prayer Time) are coordinated through our Men’s Ministry.  They meet for an hour in the morning before the workday begins. 

Location: Church Library

Study: 1 & 2 Kings and Chronicles

Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate

Day/Time: Tuesdays / 6:45-7:45 a.m.

Coordinator: Jack Mason, Bob Barnes, John Cryer, Mark Mortier

Location: In-Person & Zoom (Church Library)

Study: 1 & 2 Kings and Chronicles

Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate

Day/Time: Tuesdays / 8:00-9:00 a.m

Coordinator: Ron Pohl, Jack Mason

Women’s Groups – These groups are coordinated through our Women’s Ministry.  They typically meet for a couple of hours during a weekday morning or evening.  

Location: In-Person & Zoom (Church Library)

Study: Love Walked Among Us (Paul Miller)

Coordinators:  Cyndi Anderson, Bobbi Riser, Paulette Murphy

Day/Time: Monday / 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Home Groups – These groups are made up of both men and women (and children too for some groups).  They typically meet weekly for a couple of hours in someone’s home in the evening for Bible study or Word-based topic studies.

Location: Queen’s Lake [Childcare Provided]   

Study: Discussion of Select Passages of Scripture

Leader: Paul Hegstad, David Queen

Day/Time: Every other Monday / 6:30 p.m.

Location: Longhill Road Area (In-Person and Zoom)    

Study: Discussion of Select Passages of Scripture

Leader: Lanning & Cyndi Anderson

Day/Time: 2nd/4th Wednesday / 7:00 p.m.

Location: City of Williamsburg (Primarily Zoom/

Occasional In-Person)

Study: Ephesians:  Wholeness for a Broken World

Leader: Marcel Boudet, Jack Tuttle

Day/Time: Wednesday (except 2nd Wednesday) / 6:30 p.m. 

Location: Kingsmill

Study: How Should a Christian Live?: 1,2,3 John

Leader(s): Bob and Connie Barnes

Day/Time: Every other Wednesday / 7:00 p.m. 

Location: Laurel Lane Elementary School Area

Study: Sermon Passage 

Leader(s): Joe Meadows, Peter McHenry

Day/Time: Wednesday / 7:00 p.m. 

Location: Five Forks Area

Study: Video Series on Prayer

Leader(s):  Nathan Mortier, Tim Nargi

Day/Time: 2nd/4th Tuesday / 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: Rotating  [Childcare provided/shared supper]

Study: TBD

Leader(s): Nathan Luzwick

Day/Time: TBD / 6:00 p.m. 

Location: Toano/Lanexa Area  [Shared supper]

Study: Book of James

Leader(s): Bob & Laura Smole

Day/Time: Thursday / 6:00 p.m.

Location: Williamsburg West Area (Rotate Homes)

Study: Genesis 1-11

Coordinator: Ron PohlJack Mason

Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate

Day/Time: Every other Thursday / 6:30 p.m.

Location: Newport News (Hidenwood Area) [Childcare can be arranged if needed]

Study: Upcoming Sermon Passage

Coordinator: Allen Slade

Day/Time: Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Location: Williamsburg (Quarterpath Area)

Study: A Study of Sanctification in the Life of the Believer

Coordinator: Tim Coyle

Day/Time: 1st/3rd Sundays 2:00 p.m.