Men’s Groups – These groups (ADAPT = A Discipleship And Prayer Time) are coordinated through our Men’s Ministry. They meet for an hour in the morning before the workday begins.
Location: Church Library
Study: 1 & 2 Kings and Chronicles
Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate
Day/Time: Tuesdays / 6:45-7:45 a.m.
Coordinator: Jack Mason, Bob Barnes, John Cryer, Mark Mortier
Location: In-Person & Zoom (Church Library)
Study: 1 & 2 Kings and Chronicles
Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate
Day/Time: Tuesdays / 8:00-9:00 a.m
Coordinator: Ron Pohl, Jack Mason
Women’s Groups – These groups are coordinated through our Women’s Ministry. They typically meet for a couple of hours during a weekday morning or evening.
Location: In-Person & Zoom (Church Library)
Study: Love Walked Among Us (Paul Miller)
Coordinators: Cyndi Anderson, Bobbi Riser, Paulette Murphy
Day/Time: Monday / 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Home Groups – These groups are made up of both men and women (and children too for some groups). They typically meet weekly for a couple of hours in someone’s home in the evening for Bible study or Word-based topic studies.
Location: Queen’s Lake [Childcare Provided]
Study: Discussion of Select Passages of Scripture
Leader: Paul Hegstad, David Queen
Day/Time: Every other Monday / 6:30 p.m.
Location: Longhill Road Area (In-Person and Zoom)
Study: Discussion of Select Passages of Scripture
Leader: Lanning & Cyndi Anderson
Day/Time: 2nd/4th Wednesday / 7:00 p.m.
Location: City of Williamsburg (Primarily Zoom/
Occasional In-Person)
Study: Ephesians: Wholeness for a Broken World
Leader: Marcel Boudet, Jack Tuttle
Day/Time: Wednesday (except 2nd Wednesday) / 6:30 p.m.
Location: Kingsmill
Study: How Should a Christian Live?: 1,2,3 John
Leader(s): Bob and Connie Barnes
Day/Time: Every other Wednesday / 7:00 p.m.
Location: Laurel Lane Elementary School Area
Study: Sermon Passage
Leader(s): Joe Meadows, Peter McHenry
Day/Time: Wednesday / 7:00 p.m.
Location: Five Forks Area
Study: Video Series on Prayer
Leader(s): Nathan Mortier, Tim Nargi
Day/Time: 2nd/4th Tuesday / 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: Rotating [Childcare provided/shared supper]
Study: TBD
Leader(s): Nathan Luzwick
Day/Time: TBD / 6:00 p.m.
Location: Toano/Lanexa Area [Shared supper]
Study: Book of James
Leader(s): Bob & Laura Smole
Day/Time: Thursday / 6:00 p.m.
Location: Williamsburg West Area (Rotate Homes)
Study: Genesis 1-11
Coordinator: Ron Pohl, Jack Mason
Disc. Leaders: Volunteers Rotate
Day/Time: Every other Thursday / 6:30 p.m.
Location: Newport News (Hidenwood Area) [Childcare can be arranged if needed]
Study: Upcoming Sermon Passage
Coordinator: Allen Slade
Day/Time: Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Location: Williamsburg (Quarterpath Area)
Study: A Study of Sanctification in the Life of the Believer
Coordinator: Tim Coyle
Day/Time: 1st/3rd Sundays 2:00 p.m.